iQOO India is going to launch the Z6 Pro 5G on April 27. Ahead of the event, the company has teased the phone’s rear design with massive dual camera rings, the underlying Qualcomm Snapdragon 778G processor, its 32923mm2 VC liquid cooling system, 66W fast charging support, and the approximate Antutu score. With an hardware setup like this, the company is bragging the device to be “India’s Fastest Smartphone in 25K Segment”. We have also learned that the Z6 Pro 5G will be available via Amazon. So, that’s a decent share of things to know before launch. Well, if you thought so, you’re in for a surprise as the phone has leaked (on Passionategeekz) in its full glory, giving away its renders, price, available colors, and other hardware details.
Let’s get cracking.
iQOO Z6 Pro 5G Specs and Features (Expected)iQOO Z6 Pro 5G could come in Legion Sky and Phantom Dusk colorways. It could be available in 6/8/12GB RAM options and three storage options up to 256GB.
The internals could also consist of Snapdragon 778G chipset with 5G modem, up to 4GB of Virtual RAM, a 4700mAh battery with 66W fast charging support, USB-C port, WiFi, Bluetooth 5.1, and GPS.
The software on top of this could be Android 12 based FuntouchOS 12. You’d be interacting with this software through a 6.4-inch waterdrop notched display with FHD+ resolution, 90Hz refresh rate, 360Hz touch sampling rate, 1300 nits of peak brightness, HDR10+ content support, and Gorilla Glass 5 shield.
As mentioned in the intro, iQOO has revealed the presence of a VC Liquid cooling solution and a Antutu score of over 550,000.
iQOO Z6 Pro 5G Indian Price and Availability (Expected)iQOO Z5 Pro 5G will reportedly go on sale in India from May 4, 2022. It will be retailing through Amazon in the following variants:
6GB model at ₹23,999 8GB model at ₹24,999 12GB model at ₹26,999As for other news, reviews, feature stories, buying guides and everything else tech-related, keep reading
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