Attempts to adapt “The Sandman”, based on Neil Gaiman’s groundbreaking graphic novel series, has been an ongoing charade for decades now. After having cycled through numerous studios and horrendous scripts within that timespan, Netflix finally swooped in and fixated on a 10-episode format to depict the dark fantasy tale. With production well underway on season one, we have now gotten our first look at the primary cast members. There. A whole set of tweets written just before bed and set to go out when I'm fast asleep. I'm vaguely worried that I've mistimed them, but too late now. Here are the first seven members of the #Sandman cast to be announced officially. Seven down, hundreds to go. — Neil Gaiman (@neilhimself) January 28, 2021 As evident from the tweet above, the lineup features an ensemble cast with a few familiar names thrown in there. Tom Sturridge is all set to play the tall and lanky, pale-faced protagonist - Dream (aka Morpheus...