One of the biggest DTH services in India, Tata Sky is now changing its name to Tata Play. The new name was announced yesterday along with an expanded list of combos and bundled services. The announcement also saw the addition of Netflix to the Tata Play ecosystem. The streaming service joins Disney+ Hotstar Premium, Zee5, Hungama Play, Eros Now, ShemarooMe, Voot Select, Voot Kids, SonyLIV, and Curiosity Stream on the platform. Along with that, Tata Play will also feature Binge Combo Packs that will offer a combination of TV channels and OTT platforms. Service visits will also now be free of charge. Deactive DTH customers can continue to recharge and get restarted on the platform with no reconnection charges. In a statement to the media, Harit Nagpal, MD & CEO – Tata Play Ltd, stated, “Tata Sky leveraged its market leadership in its core business to create an ecosystem of content delivery by foraying into OTT and Broadband. We believe it is time for a brand identity that reso...