OnePlus has revealed just a little bit more about its plans for their upcoming TV. According to a statement released by the company, OnePlus TV is an Android TV with built-in Chromecast. The company also said that the TV will come with Google’s Play Store baked in, with the goal of elevating the smart TV experience in India. The company had already revealed the official logo, confirming that a TV was on the way. OnePlus has apparently been working closely with Google in its aim to be the company that provides a connected home solution for all. Towards this end, the OnePlus TV will support Google Assistant, built-in Chromecast and thus, will allow users to access their favourite media, get answers from Google on-screen like weather updates, manage tasks like seeing your calendar, and control smart home devices; all with their voice. Vikas Agarwal, General Manager, OnePlus India said, “These past five years have been about constant exploration, diving deep into how best ...